diumenge, 11 de novembre del 2007

Welcome to my blog

Hi everybody and welcome to my blog. It is work to school. This blog will be about themes like hobbies, things that I recomend... Next term I will change to other theme. At first I want to say that I'm agree with this type of work, because we can learn English more easily and it's important improve this lenguaje, but it's a lot of work to do, and students can spend this time for do that. We are in 1rst batxillerat and have to improve with others subjects too.

I repeat course this year, and my experience is evident, I spend a lot of time with my last blog, especially the blog of the 3rd term. The consequences was terrible for me, I'm not saying to the teachers have the fault, but the time that I spend with this could be dedicate with the time study.

If the time increases two hours more in the days, we can do this perfectly, but it's a lot of work. Books, Orals presentation, Blog, portfolio, readings book... It is good, but all things are badly in my opinion.


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