dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2007

Call of duty 4

Oh my God!! Call of Duty ...

When I started to play with activition games, I was a child. I started with Call of duty, the first game of the Call of duty saga!!, the game was fantastic and the graphics was very real. One year later aproximatly, the activition company put in market the Call of duty 2, I was very surprised with this game because it was very real and the graphics was more!

Call of duty 3 was a shit.. because I could play yet xD, and it is because they didn't put in market for computer, only videogames and I haven't got any.

Now, this is real, the amazing game will be in the shop next year!, incredible!! I will buy! New!!

CALL OF DUTY 4: Modern Warfare

Here I put a video:

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