diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2007

Naruto Shippuden

Naruto shippuden is one of the best manga series of the world in the actually.

The village of the leaf takes as a base the tecnics of nature and fire.
It is a village pacifist, though of the most powerful, due to years of improvement as ninjas.
Of between the principal families, the two mas important are Uchiha and Hyûga.

The principal character Uzumaki Naruto, is a boy with the blond hair, blue eyes, that have a dark past and all the people of the village knows. He have the Demon of 9 tails, the demon Fox. People that have one demon in their internal spirit, were denied by the society. Uzumaki Naruto is diferent, he want to be a 5th Hokage(like a king, that it's choose by the people) to get the recognition of all people.

Naruto is one character that gets the confidence of the village and all. And fights against of the badly persons because he wants to change the mindset of everyone for as long as they wish and don't despised.

Naruto for me is the best character of the serie, when he was a boy that didn't know anything he developed hiself tecniques that do him very strong know.

In the actually serie, he is fighting with the Akatsuki (one badly oranitzation), that wants the secret power of the demon fox. Also he wants to return at home Sasuke Uchiha that betrayed his village, to get power. But for Naruto is a brother, his best friend.

I recomend see that serie because is amazing and incredible.

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