dimecres, 28 de novembre del 2007

Series that I see in TV

Aida, Kyle xy, Prision Break.. and a lot of series, but this three are my favourite. Aida it just to start and it's very funny, I pass good moments with this series, Aida is for laugh, is comical. Presion Break is more action and Kyle xy is mystery. My favourite in this moment is Kyle xy, because Prision break don't starts the new season yet.

I'm a person that likes the mystery and wants to discover news things, and I see Cuarto Milenio and I experiment paranormal things. On the other hand I don't see only series, also I se programs like "El hormiguero", "Se lo que hicisteis"...

And finaly I also see Football matchs, my favourite sport.

In conclusion, the TV in my live is very abundant, and when I haven't got anything to do I see that programs.

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