divendres, 30 de novembre del 2007

I want a HOLIDAYS!

The holidays...
Who not wants a holidays??
If I will be able, I would travell to Carib. The sun will be shining in the sky, and the time will be hot. I will stay in the best hotel of the zone and I will sleep in the green forests. The sea is quite and will be sharks, beautiful fishes,...
In the beach there will be girls with hers bikinis... Oh carib, the paradise.

While I will be in the beach, I will be drinking a coconet juice. At night I will go to the parties, and will dance, and sing "Aloja..."

1 comentaris:

A la/es 13 de desembre del 2007, a les 8:13 , Blogger Elisabet Salleras ha dit...

Yes Alejandro, dreaming is free, isn't it?


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